What is Value Education and how important it is for holistic learning?

‘Chinese rulers made the Great Wall of China thinking that it would protect them from invaders and help them live in peace and harmony. They thought no one could climb it due to its height. However, they were invaded. The enemy did not scale the walls but bribed the guards and came through the doors. The Chinese built the wall but forgot the character-building of their people. The rulers of China realised much later that the best defence against any enemy is not a fortified wall, but a fortified character.’

The responsibility of society is not just producing children with academic excellence, but preparing them with morals, ethics, and soft skills.

Taking a lesson from history, some of the best schools in Mumbai realised that the building of human character comes before scores, marks or grades. Thus Value Education became an integral part of the curriculum. Some of the best schools in Mumbai equip the educators with strategies they need to develop emotional, social, and ethical intelligence in students. The educators inculcate problem solving ability and higher-order thinking in the children. This has helped to achieve a community with contented members.

As the child spends maximum time in school with his teachers and peers, they seek role models in them. This intentionally or unintentionally helps in shaping their character. Therefore, a conducive environment needs to be created for the all-round development of the child. With such responsible future citizens, the community is sure to thrive.

While values are needed in all societies, for a nation in flux- a generation facing an evolving reality, the reassertion of a concrete set of values is of even more importance. As such no education is complete without the inculcation of desired values.

“Value-education is the aggregate of all the process by means of which a person develops abilities, attitudes and other forms of behaviour of the positive values in the society in which he lives.” -according to C. V. Good

Thus Value Education caters to the emotional, social, ethical, and academic needs of the learner and is an integral part of Holistic Learning.

Let us now look at the example of ‘School Lunch’ in the education system in some of the best schools near me. Students help in the kitchen and volunteer to serve. They express gratitude for the food on their plate. This community lunch in the school engenders in them a respect for food evidenced by their diligent effort in zero wastage of food. While doing so, they develop emotional bonding with their peers whom they collaborate with; with all the community helpers who have toiled to put that food on their plate. They display table manners, and dining etiquette and clean up afterwards. This sense of social responsibility is expanded as the student grows and matures into adulthood. The society with such adults has shown the resilience, discipline and unity to bounce back after calamities and disasters. They then become a role model for others.

The world today has become a global village and it is essential that the young generation not only appreciates its own culture but also that of other communities and nations. Education is a powerful tool to cultivate values in an individual. It is instrumental in bringing social change and human progress. So the educational institutions have a greater responsibility to create responsible citizens who are aware and can take informed decisions.

Some of the best schools in Mumbai imparting Value Education help the children to become responsible and level-headed by taking care of their emotional wellbeing. They stimulate inquisitiveness, positive attitude and capability to think, judge and take action.

Anger management and dealing with sensitivity is the need of the hour. The best schools in Mumbai ensure that through circle time and role play children’s pent-up energy and emotions are channelized. It scaffolds the children and help them to scale greater heights.

These children from the best schools in Mumbai have a positive perspective towards life. They see opportunity in whatever that happens in their life, which teaches them how to live a satisfied and purpose-filled life. It also helps them to develop a strong relationship with family and friends and fellowmen.

The best schools in Mumbai that caters to holistic learning by focusing on character building, report better academic performance, no drop outs, regular attendance, minimal disciplinary matters, zero tolerance to bullying and vandalism.

‘Values are caught not taught’ - and the most effective way of getting the young minds to catch them is by modelling that behaviour. The fundamental goal of education is to create better citizens, and this is possible only with Value Education.

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